Corporate Training

Corporate Training

Leadership, Teambuilding, Self-Leadership, Self Empowerment

Leadership, Teambuilding, Self-Leadership, Self Empowerment


As a professional Leadership trainer, NLP coach and Master Trainer Self Science, I am aware about the importance of training soft skills for managers, teams, and employees. It's not just about improving productivity and efficiency, but also about creating a positive and supportive work environment where everyone can thrive.

At the core of soft skills training is self-leadership and self-empowerment. When individuals learn to take charge of their own growth and development, they become more confident, motivated, and engaged. This, in turn, leads to better communication, stronger relationships, and more effective teamwork.

But soft skills training is not just about the individual. It's also about building a sense of community within the team and the organization as a whole. By learning to empathize with others, communicate effectively, and collaborate towards shared goals, teams can create a culture of trust, respect, and support.

As a Leadership trainer, I believe that investing in soft skills training is not only the right thing to do but also the smart thing to do. By empowering individuals and building strong, cohesive teams, organizations can unlock their full potential and achieve success beyond their wildest dreams.

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Topics of Corporate Training

Individual and talor-made concepts and content

Communication and Leadership Style Analyzing one's own communication and leadership style, consistently planning, communicating and acting, demanding self-assertion and determination, recognizing and eliminating inconsistency.
Techniques and Strategies for Successful Conversations Setting conversation goals, structuring and steering conversations, asking the right questions, active listening, using the model of Self Science and the E.E.H.M. communication model.
Consistent Communication as a Leader in Difficult Situations Being clear and open about what is wanted and needed, using feedback, establishing rules for the team, recognizing and setting boundaries, maintaining a solution-oriented and appreciative attitude.
Cooperative and Constructive Conversations Establishing a good atmosphere, recognizing the wishes and goals of the conversation partner, moving from confrontation to cooperation, leading difficult employees consistently, staying calm and composed in difficult situations.
Leading with Goals - Motivating and Developing Employees Achieving results faster through setting goals and agreements, effectively agreeing on goals, enforcing decisions even against resistance, motivating and developing employees.



  • Lack of communication: Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, mistakes, and low morale. Companies may struggle to find ways to improve communication skills among their employees.
  • Resistance to change: Some employees may be resistant to new ideas or ways of working, which can hinder progress and innovation. Companies may need to invest in leadership training to help managers effectively lead change initiatives and overcome resistance.
  • Low motivation and engagement: When employees feel demotivated or disengaged, productivity can suffer. Companies may need to focus on team-building activities and leadership training to foster a positive work environment and keep employees engaged.
  • Poor conflict resolution: Conflicts within teams can be challenging to manage, especially if employees lack conflict resolution skills. Companies may need to invest in training programs that teach employees how to handle conflicts constructively and respectfully.
  • Lack of diversity and inclusivity: Companies that lack diversity and inclusivity may struggle to attract and retain top talent, and they may also face legal and reputational risks. Companies may need to focus on leadership training and team-building activities that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.


  • For communication and leadership style, we use self-assessment exercises to help employees analyse their own communication and leadership styles. We also provide techniques for setting conversation goals, structuring conversations, active listening, and using the Self Science Model and E.E.H.M communication model to improve communication skills.
  • To help managers lead change initiatives and overcome resistance, we offer leadership training that focuses on effective communication, decision-making, and problem-solving. We also provide tools for recognizing and addressing employee concerns and providing clear and open communication during transitions.
  • For improving motivation and engagement, we offer team-building activities that promote collaboration, communication, and appreciation. We also provide leadership training that emphasizes the importance of setting goals and enforcing decisions even against resistance, as well as strategies for recognizing and addressing employee needs and concerns.
  • To improve conflict resolution, we offer training programs that teach employees how to handle conflicts constructively and respectfully. We provide tools for recognizing different conflict styles and approaches, active listening, and developing win-win solutions.
  • To promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace, we offer leadership training and team-building activities that promote empathy, respect, and understanding. We provide tools for recognizing and addressing biases and creating a culture of inclusivity and respect.

Our practical tools and techniques

How we work

Self-leadership and self-empowerment are crucial elements of effective leadership and teamwork. By analyzing and understanding their own communication and leadership styles, employees can consistently plan, communicate, and act with self-assertion and determination. This leads to improved consistency, productivity, and morale. Our approach is grounded in practical tools and techniques and strategies for successful cooperative and convstructive conversations, and leading with goals are all founded on the principles of self-leadership and self-empowerment. By investing in these skills, companies can promote a positive work environment and empower their employees to achieve their goals. Let's work together to bring out the best in your team and create a workplace culture that values self-leadership and self-empowerment!