SELF SCIENCE – the path of excellence for companies

SELF SCIENCE – the path of excellence for companies

The training to empower your Comany! 

How to empower your Company !



Self-Science is a model that helps us connect with ourselves and open up to others and the world.
Thanks to it, we become more aware of who we are and this allows us to discover our values and needs, to break down the barriers of beliefs, to relate to people in a responsible and empathic way, to manage our emotions and those of others, and to find our purpose in order to create a life plan that fulfils us This model is supported by scientific studies from renowned universities such as Harvard and Yale, and is based on methods already established and adopted in the Master's programme in Self-Science that Prof. Formica holds at Miami University, Florida.

Who is PhD. Sandro Formica?

He has over 35 years of professional experience. He has opened and managed hotels in Italy; developed feasibility analyses and marketing studies for accommodation facilities and conference centres in the United States, Europe and Asia.
Currently, PhD. Sandro Formica is a professor at Florida International University, in Miami, U.S.A. and chair in Personal Power and the Science of Happiness. He regularly teaches at SDA and Luigi Bocconi's Master's programme. He has published more than one hundred articles in international academic journals, world conference proceedings and trade journals. His articles mainly focus on the areas of self-awareness, strategic management, trends and organisation planning and development.

Cooles Bild!

The topics of Self-Science

Individual and tailor-made concepts and content

The topics are covered in the Self-Science pathway:
Each topic can be treated individually and included in the corporate, hotel and school training modules. So from the manager, head of department, sales person through to internal and external employees and school or customer care staff.

  • values and needs to rediscover ourselves and understand what can help us in creating a sustainable and meaningful vision.
  • the system of beliefs that may already be ingrained in us at an early age and by which we judge the world. Beliefs that often create limitations on ourselves and prejudices on others.
  • talents and skills that each of us has and that we can rediscover and develop. In this way we show the uniqueness that everyone has.
  • emotional intelligence to recognise and manage one's own emotions and those of others in a conscious manner.
  • empathic communication, also known as non-violent communication. Relating with others by truly understanding the needs of all parties.
  • imagination and creativity to discover the power of images and use them both to achieve one's own goals and to motivate employees or a team.
  • the life purpose and life plan for a clear and shared vision with concrete steps to create a motivated and satisfied environment. 



- Communicating in an incisive and concrete manner taking needs into account, listening empathetically and providing constructive feedback.
- Questioning and dealing with difficult situations without losing face
- Involving and motivating staff to ensure a high quality of service in all circumstances
- Taking responsibility and accepting mistakes
- Understanding and meeting the needs of generations as millennials; Gen-Z, Gen-X,...


- Align the personal development of the individual team member with the positive goals of the organisations to increase individual and collective performance.
- Discovering the uniqueness, talents and needs of employees to engage, empower and differentiate and create a competitive advantage.
- Find and pursue a clear corporate purpose to increase performance and build customer loyalty.
- Add value, provide clarity and develop synergies between corporate and individual values to enhance the perception of the value of the products and services offered.